Services & Rates

Payment is due in full on or before the date of service. I can accept payment via check, credit or debit card, direct bank transfer, or Venmo. There may be additional fees depending upon the form of payment you choose; those fees are dictated by the payment processing companies.

I am not in-network with any health insurance company and I cannot accept payment via health insurance. Unfortunately, health insurance plans create many limitations to personalized patient care, and I need to be able to spend the hours of my work day focused on you and your care, not on navigating insurance policies and letting those policies dictate the type of care you can receive. Thank you for your understanding.

The process will look like this:

  1. New patient evaluation (medical visit to make sure this is clinically indicated and appropriate for you)

  2. Prep Session

  3. Ketamine Medicine / Inner Journey Sessions

  4. Integration Sessions (if desired)

Separately purchased sessions have service rates as listed below. But because many people seeking this type of treatment would benefit from several sessions initially, you have the option to purchase the series as a package of 6 treatment sessions, which will provide no-cost patient evaluation, prep session, and 1 integration session.

Treatment Services

Sessions can be scheduled individually, but depending on the treatment plan, some patients might prefer to schedule an entire treatment series. For many people, initial treatment with ketamine is most effective if done in a series of 6 to 8 sessions over 2 to 4 weeks (for example, 2 sessions per week for 3 weeks). If you are interested in this option, please contact me.

New patient evaluation

In-person in Winthrop, Washington. A new patient evaluation is required for all new clients establishing care with me for the first time. This includes an extensive evaluation and medical screening, and prescription IF clinically indicated.

90 mins |  $200 | Get Started

Individual Preparation Session

Ketamine medicine sessions include time spent in a dream-like, non-ordinary state of consciousness. It might feel familiar, but it will likely be different than any experience you’ve had previously; for some people this might be disturbing, upsetting, or might challenge beliefs that you have held dearly. To ensure readiness for this experience, it’s important to discuss expectations, hopes, fears, and intentions in advance. 

1 prep session is required after the initial consultation and before ketamine treatment sessions begin.

50 mins |  $150 | Get Started

Ketamine Medicine / Inner Journey Sessions 

Rates may vary depending on the form of medicine to be administered and whether or not the Nurse Practitioner is present. Please see the "about the medicine" page for detailed descriptions of each route of administration.

Fully Supported IV infusion session, with Nurse Practitioner present for integration counseling and consciousness exploration: 2 - 2.5 hours |  $750 | Get Started

Basic IV infusion session, with RN present for safety monitoring: 1.5 - 2 hours | $500 | Get Started

Fully Supported IM injection session, with Nurse Practitioner present for integration counseling and consciousness exploration: 2 - 2.5 hours |  $600 | Get Started

Fully Supported Sublingual lozenge session, with Nurse Practitioner present for integration counseling and consciousness exploration

Approximately 1.5 - 2.5 hours |  $450 | Get Started

Integration Sessions

Follow-up Integration Sessions occur after your treatment, without medicine, and usually occur days (but could be weeks or months) after medicine sessions. Follow-up integration sessions with me are not required, but some form of integration is strongly encouraged. Most patients would benefit from meeting regularly with a therapist throughout and after the ketamine treatment process. 

These sessions are also available to help integrate previous experiences of non-ordinary states of consciousness you may have encountered in your lifetime.

Follow up Integration Session

In person in Winthrop, Washington or via video meeting to discuss the Journey experience (insights, memories, sensations, thoughts that occurred during the treatment session) and methods for integrating this experience with your life and healing path going forward. 

50 mins |  $150 |  Get Started

Follow up Integration Session - Customized

Personalized, creative, sensory, nature- or other activity-based experiential, extended integration session. We will use this extended, more robust method to review/re-mind the Journey experience (insights, memories, sensations, thoughts that occurred during the treatment session) and explore methods for integrating this experience with your life and healing path going forward. 

Customized Integration sessions with me can take place within the clinical office setting, but also available at this lovely space, or at a location of your choice in the Methow Valley.

90 - 120 mins |  $275 |  Get Started

Ketamine Assisted Therapy / Psychotherapy

Otherwise known as KAP, this treatment modality utilizes ketamine medicine as an adjunct to the primary work of relational psychotherapy with a licensed mental health therapist. My office in Winthrop, Washington is shared by a mental health therapist who is familiar with the principles of working with people utilizing psychedelic medicines as therapy accelerators. We would be happy to coordinate services in order to provide comprehensive KAP sessions for you in our office.

If you already have a therapist, I am also happy to coordinate with them to provide either in-office KAP or some combination of video visits with in-person medicine sessions, or in some cases, I may be able to go to your therapist’s office to provide the medicine treatment, if preferred.

Contact me here if this is of interest to you.

Group Sessions

Group Preparation Sessions

Two (2) prep sessions are required for participation in Group Treatment. First prep session will be as an individual, second prep session will be with your assigned group. Please contact me here if you are interested in Group Treatment Sessions.

Group Treatment Sessions

A pre-selected group of up to 6 individuals (minimum 4 people) gather together for fully supported group treatment sessions to enhance the therapeutic experience. This is intended to offer a more affordable option compared to individual work.

Group Treatment Sessions with me take place in the spacious, peaceful Head & Heartwise space in Winthrop, Washington.

Follow up Group Integration Session

Group session to discuss the Journey experience of the individuals in the group (insights, memories, sensations, thoughts that occurred during the treatment session) and methods for integrating this experience with your life and healing path going forward.

Customized Group Integration sessions with me can take place at the lovely Head & Heart space, or at a location of your choice in the Methow Valley or beyond. Reach out here if interested in this option. 

Ketamine Treatment Sessions, at your home or location of your choice

For some people, treatment sessions in their own home may be preferred. I am open to providing this service, depending upon location and safety factors related to the location itself. The cost of treatment sessions in your home will be higher due to additional logistical considerations. If you are interested in at-home treatment sessions, please contact me here.